This is something new… Something different… It may even sound contrarian to what you’ve heard or seen up until now. 

Read the below story to discover Spellbreaking

From: The Hawaii Healing Facility of Brian D. Ridgway

Re: Dissolve the illusion of your problems and set yourself free

Dear Improvement Seeker,

The fact that you’re here tells me one thing:

Your life isn’t where you want it to be…

And there is one thing or many things bothering you…

Making you feel stuck, frustrated or unhappy.

You probably tried different methods to change it.

Maybe you’re just discovering the world of self-help.

Maybe you’re pretty advanced already and try to create new habits, beliefs and set goals for yourself…

Maybe you’re also into spirituality, religion, and energy work.

Perhaps you meditate, visualize, and try to harness the power of your mind, body and spirit to transform your life and get what you want.

But.. why are you here?

You’re here because despite all that work you’re doing, you’re “not quite there” yet.

In other words, you’re here because you’re not getting what you want…

Here’s How I Went From 30 Years Of Trying To Improve My Life To Letting Go Of My Traumas, Problems and Frustrations And Finally Creating The Life I Always Wanted - And Helping Over 200,000 People Achieve The Same

And We Specialize In Helping People Like You

You see, we are able to help people who’ve been doing this work for over 40 years now… and still suffered from problems, patterns and frustrations that destroyed their lives.

Not only that, we are able to help people who think this is it. People who live in severe misery, with suicidal thoughts and no energy or motivation to get out of bed…

We are able to help people who struggle with money, business or job… And we’re able to help people with low self-esteem, broken relationships and the lack of self-love and acceptance.

We’re also able to help people who struggle with weight gain, chronic pain, and different health challenges…

Because Our Work Is Universal

It goes deep to the ultimate root of all these problems - no matter what they are…

And dissolves them for good - by “reprogramming your mind” and shifting your identity.

If you’re skeptical about that...

That’s good.

Because there are a lot of people making a lot of promises out there… that don’t back them up…

And in fact - they can’t back them up (even if they wanted to).

I’ve been there...

And I know you don’t want to hear any more promises…

For Anyone Looking For Freedom And A Better, Happier Life…

How We Help 100-300 People A Month to Break Free From Their Deepest Problems - And Finally Get What They Want 

By Getting Them To Release Life-Long Traumas, Harmful Beliefs, And “Mental Blocks” With A 2-Step Process That Targets The REAL Root Of These Issues

What is Your New Beginning?

Your New Beginning is a counterintuitive approach to breaking you free from fears, “mental blocks,” and harmful beliefs that cause your problems and keep you stuck in life. We achieve this with our signature method called Spellbreaking.

Here’s how it works:

By asking yourself a set of simple questions, first, you uncover the REAL root of your problems. This is critical because very few people know what this root really is. They have some thoughts and ideas on what it might be - but only by asking themselves these questions can they truly “nail it.”

Once you know the REAL root of your problems, you then ask yourself another set of questions that erase it from your unconscious mind - by questioning it and “hacking your mind” to completely drop this harmful belief, trauma, or “block.”

This is how Spellbreaking frees you from your problems. The entire process is easy to follow, and usually, people see the first outcomes in 2-7 days.

An Updated Version Of An Inernational Bestseller

Your New Beginning is a new, updated version of my bestselling book called “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”...

Which sold in over 100,000 copies and enabled me to help over 200,000 people from 84 countries.

This has led me to become a sought-after mentor and charge from $1,500 for a single session… All the way up to $36,000 to spend 4 days with me in my healing facility in Hawaii.

And in the Your New Beginning book I’m not holding back on anything. I’m giving you the same information my top clients pay big bucks for - that’s why this book works.

Available NOW for Instant Digital Download

Your New Beginning 5 Keys to Getting What You Want Book

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Here’s Everything Included

⦿ “Your New Beginning” book (Digital PDF Format)

A “nothing held back” book with step-by-step instructions that helped over 200,000 people go beyond their problems… And finally get what they want.

Digital ebook.  Price: $8.88

⦿ The 7-Day Fast Start To Liberation

The 7-Day Fast Start To Liberation is exactly what it sounds like: a quick course that walks you through the key topics from the book so you can get started quickly for faster results.

Instant Access. Price: $199   FREE!

⦿ The Conscious Breath Short Video Course

The way you breathe has a much bigger impact on your life than you probably think. It regulates your body, thoughts and nervous system… and helps you focus on what you want. It’s not a breathing technique - it’s a way of breathing that is the foundation of my work.

Instant Access     FREE

⦿ Self-Discovery Assessment

A key document that is the foundation of my 1-on-1 mentoring. It helps you take a good look at where you’re standing right now - and where you want to be. 

Instant Access     FREE

⦿ Self-Discovery Assessment

A key document that is the foundation of my 1-on-1 mentoring. It helps you take a good look at where you’re standing right now - and where you want to be. 

Instant Access     FREE

The Only Process You May Ever Need 

To Go Beyond Your Problems And Get What You Want

Backed by our unconditional, 180-Day Money Back Guarantee

Here Are A Few Of The Transformation Stories Of People Using The Your New Beginning Approach

Dr. Sirena Pellarolo

I was blown away by Brian’s book

“After 30+ years in self-development and following a spiritual path, I was introduced to Brian's work. When I read his book for the first time (I've done 4 readings already), I was blown away. His work is the best that I've experienced.”

Larry Moseley

The most amazing thing that ever happened to me

“I first was exposed to Brian D Ridgway’s book, which connected with me. His work was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me in 30 years of self-help journey.”

Viviane Eeraerts

No words to express my gratitude to Brian

“For over 40 years I've been into personal development work, getting out some insights or tools, but never revolutionizing my mindset . . . until when I met Brian. Thanks to the hints and insights that come with the Level 5 course, I get more and more connected with the Source. Day by day, I'm becoming more of who I Am. No words to express my gratitude to Brian.”

Mike Sypsomos

After 40 years in personal development, I thought I knew it all . . .

After investing over $500K in personal development for over 40 years, I thought I knew it all. Within just a few minutes, Brian helped me re-think everything I do. Amazing!

Doug Abney

I’ve learned more from Brian in a few days than in 30 years of studying self-help

“After 30 years of studying and applying self-help techniques, I can honestly tell you that most self-help guru's leave stuff out of their teachings (either on purpose or because they really just learned a flawed system themselves) but not Brian. I have learned more from him in a few days than I learned from all those other people combined.”

Jill Hendrickson

Brian’s work may be the only one that’s really worth it

“I have been in the personal development arena for 30 years. It has been a painful and frustrating journey that cost me easily over $100,000. If you would do anything to attain your freedom, do yourself a favor and make an exception for Brian’s work, because it may be the only one that's really worth it.”

Obie Warren

Brian leaves no stone unturned

“After over 30 years of being on the endless roller coaster of self-improvement tapes, books, courses, and continually getting to the "almost" . . . I found Brian and I am so happy I did. Brian leaves no stone unturned, and I have had quite a few breakthroughs from listening to his work.”

Misha Ichikawa

Brian’s the real deal!

“After well over 30 years of self-help books, I stumbled upon Brian and had the most amazing experience and felt so many things. If you’re wondering, “Is this for real?” . . . This is the real deal! Just open your mind.”

Here’s Everything Else You’re Getting With The 

Your New Beginning Book For Only $8.88


“Your New Beginning” eBook 

A “nothing held back” book with step-by-step instructions that helped over 200,000 people go beyond their problems… And finally get what they want.

Stephanie Sterling

“My debt got canceled!”

"Over the course of two years, my money was gone and all of my opportunities had dried up. The morning after my first session with Brian, I got a call telling me that my entire 6-figures of debt had been completely eliminated. Gone. Truly miraculous results."

Erica Hooft

“A literal miracle.”

"One session with Brian has led to me releasing the scoliosis I had for the previous 30 years. This is a literal miracle.”

Tallulah Fry

“More clients approaching me, different opportunities, doors opening, I’m more calm”

Becky Kratzer

“10 years did nothing to help me… One week after meeting Brian, everything changed”

“I've spent the past 10+ years and more money than I want to remember, trying to fix my trainwreck of a life. Within a week of consuming Brian's book, videos and Spellbreaks, I will never be the same again.”

Jack Humphrey

“Brian’s work changes everything”

“As the most confirmed anti-woo-woo guy on the planet just a couple of years ago, I have seen the light. Brian’s work changes everything. Watch what happens to your business, your bank account, your relationships… everything.”

Blake R. Goodwin, 

CEO of VideoOptimize

“The best at helping people get to the core of their problems”

“I’ve sought out and worked with the best of the best. Brian is the best I have ever seen at helping people get to the core of their problems and solve them.”

Bonuses Designed to Deepen Your Experience

I give you amazing bonuses which are an integral part of the book. Thanks to them, reading gains a new dimension - it becomes smoother and more insightful.

BONUS 1: Universal Orientation Assessment

A powerful 4-page document that is the foundation of my 1-on-1 mentoring. It helps you take a good look at where you’re standing right now - and where you want to be. With this document in hand, you’ll use the insights from this book to get rid of life-long issues and enhance the areas of life that you’re not happy with.

BONUS 2: Money Spellbreaking Session

A video recording of a powerful session where I break a money Spell for one of the participants. By watching it with full presence, you can experience your own Spellbreak, just as if I was doing it live for you. Costs $800 - you get it for free.

And more “surprise bonuses” designed to help you experience the power of this book. You’ll find them in nearly every chapter of Your New Beginning book.

BONUS 3: ’Harmful Self-Help Myths Exposed’ Video

The most powerful guided breathing technique that awakens the universal energy which works at the cellular level to heal and transform your mind and body. Just make yourself comfortable, dim the lights, put your headphones on and experience true bliss.

This breathing technique has helped tens of thousands of people dissolve their deep limiting beliefs . . . And experience the overwhelming love and reconnection with our true source - our unlimited, spiritual self.

This is when I realized that in over three decades of my self-help work, none of the methods and techniques I tried touched the real roots of my problems.

That’s because my critical thinking was always there, always denying all my attempts at “reprogramming my mind”.

It worked like a gatekeeper, never allowing certain thoughts to enter my mind.2

That’s why it kept me stuck in misery for over three decades.

In that moment, I realized that breaking free from problems requires a different approach. Something that bypasses the critical mind… 

And gets my subconscious to question all the harmful beliefs, traumas or “mental blocks” that caused all the mess in my life.

The result?

In 67 days, this simple process took me from a broken, miserable, angry and lonely scrap of a guy - to living my dream life in Hawaii.

Thanks to this one insight, today, I consider myself the happiest person on the planet.

I don’t remember the last time I struggled with my relationships . . . 

Worried about money . . . 

Or anything else.

I’m 57 this year, and I’m in the best health I’ve ever been.

This very process allowed me to help 160,361 people from 84 countries to thrive in all aspects of their lives. 

And guess what? All of these people had this paradigm hidden deep in their minds - yet they had no clue about it! 

That’s because, as you’ll discover it in my book, this paradigm is common for nearly every person on Earth. 

Yet it’s so perfectly hidden, no one’s aware of it.

So if you’re sick and tired of solutions and advice that don’t change your life and want to step on to a true path to liberation - Your New Beginning is for you. 

There’s a good reason why with almost no marketing, my last book became an overnight #1 bestseller with 311 five-star reviews on Amazon.

Your New Beginning Is A Shortcut

Before I discovered Spellbreaking, I spent over 3 decades trying to improve my life. I tried psychotherapy, trauma-release sessions, and I tried to change my habits and beliefs. Then I looked deeper and discovered religion, spirituality, and mindfulness.

So I tried all the techniques I could find. I did the Law of Attraction, meditation, visualization, and energy work…

But still, my life remained an utter trainwreck of broken relationships, financial disasters, and suicidal thoughts.

Which meant that despite all my hard inner work, I was still stuck.

So after spending over $300,000 on books, sessions, courses, and coaching, I took a different path… And developed Spellbreaking.

This process is designed to bypass your critical thinking and go right to the REAL root of your problem in your subconscious. Then, it gets you to “reprogram” your subconscious by questioning your problem and seeing it in a new light. That’s how Spellbreaking dissolves the root of your problem.

In other words, it dismantles your old identity…

While at the same time, installing a new identity of love, abundance, and happiness - so that, FINALLY, your mind starts working FOR you - not against you…

And you can finally find relief from traumas, problems, and frustrations - and consciously, with full control, create the life you want…

Because nothing is holding you back from doing it anymore.

See below on this page how it works in detail, and here’s a simple snapshot that shows you how it works in a nutshell:

Here’s What This Means For You And Your Future

Millions of people want to change their lives - but nothing they try is able to help them. And so they’re never truly happy. They don’t get what they really want. And they can’t become free from their traumas, patterns, problems, and frustrations.

And I was one of these people. 

Let me tell you this - this isn’t life. It’s pure hell on earth.

That’s why I took different approach and developed Spellbreaking…

And it was the only thing in 30 years that set me free from my misery.

Since then, I wrote this book to show people how Spellbreaking works…

And up until today, this technique has helped over 200,000 people from 84 countries to get what they really want.

How much this book can help you is entirely up to you. 

If you approach it with an open mind, follow it, and apply the simple steps I show you… You WILL see and feel the result.

To show you what’s possible, here are a few transformation stories of my clients - and what they’ve accomplished with the approach I describe in my book:

Limited Time Special - Get The eBook For Only $8.88

I’ve put in this book everything I’ve learned in 42 years of my own self-help journey and working with others. I boiled it all down to a single process called Spellbreaking. It works for people from all walks of life… Including people who have spent 10… 20… even 40 years trying to change their lives and found that nothing really worked for them.

42 Years Of Inner Work

Leverage my experience and transform your life faster, with less work.

200,000+ People

People like you changed their lives with my approach - so there’s no reason why you wouldn’t do it, too.

1 Approach

A simple technique that constantly delivers amazing results, even if nothing worked for you before.

Dissolve Your Problems

Become free from them for good.

Release Deeply Rooted Traumas

So they don’t destroy your mood, health, and life anymore.

Find The REAL Root Of Your Problems

No more wondering what is causing all the frustration in your life.

Get What You Want Faster

Follow the simple process and skip the guesswork.

Overcome Health Issues & Weight Gain

By releasing frozen emotions and harmful beliefs about yourself.

Transform Your Financial Situation

Install a new identity of abundance that works for you.

Find Love, Purpose, And Meaning

Discover your true self and live your life with no limits that held you back in the past.

Price: $8.88

The 7-Day Fast Start To Liberation

The 7-Day Fast Start To Liberation is exactly what it sounds like: a quick course that walks you through the key topics from the book so you can get started quickly for faster results.


Price: $199

Self-Discovery Assessment

A key document that is the foundation of my 1-on-1 mentoring. It helps you take a good look at where you’re standing right now - and where you want to be. 

The Conscious Breath Short Video Course

The way you breathe has a much bigger impact on your life than you probably think. It regulates your body, thoughts and nervous system… and helps you focus on what you want. It’s not a breathing technique - it’s a way of breathing that is the foundation of my work.



Optional: Premium Audiobook Package

This Premium Audiobook Package contains 5 different versions of the Your New Beginning book. Including 3 versions with subliminal brain wave sounds that help you ignite Your New Beginning faster — without stress and effort. 

You can add the audiobook to your order on the checkout page. It’s the only place you can get it for $22 and SAVE $27!


Price: $49   Yours for  $22

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Here’s What Other People Say About Using My 

Approach To Finally Change Their Lives…