Claim Your Invitation To Brian’s NEW
Inner Circle Spellbreaking
So He Can Help You Instantly Break Free From Every Problem You Can Imagine, And Set You Free To Get What You Want…
Without Ever Feeling Guilt, Holding Back, Or Playing It Small
Inner Circle Spellbreaking is the only program that gives you direct access to me every week.
It’s a live program where, every Tuesday at 12 noon Pacific / 3 PM Easter / 9 PM CET, I’ll meet with you and other members on a Zoom call…
And I’ll do multiple incredible Spellbreaks on the topics that you and the others bring to me… To help you dissolve those issues for good.
This will help you end your old habits, patterns and frustrations from destroying your life…
And it will set you free to create the life you dream about and FINALLY start getting what you want…
Without ever feeling guilt, without holding back, and without the fear that “something will go wrong.”
Inner Circle Spellbreaking
Spellbreaking is my landmark technique responsible for changing the lives of over 200,000 people worldwide.
It instantly breaks you free from fears, “mental blocks,” and harmful beliefs that cause your problems and keep you stuck…
So that you can finally free yourself from them and get a new beginning in life.
I invented Spellbreaking after 31 years of reading books, studying psychology and self-help, attending conferences and events, and talking to thousands of experts, gurus, and healers.
It works like this:
First, I ask you a set of simple questions to uncover the REAL root of your problems.
This is critical because, from my experience, the majority of people don’t know what the real root of their issues is.
Worse, they spend years trying to fix everything but the real root…
And end up spinning on a hamster wheel of “yet another book… yet another course… yet another technique…” while the actual source of their problems remains untouched.
That's why finding the real root of your problems is so important.
Then, once I know what it is, I ask you another set of questions.
What Is Spellbreaking - And Why It’s
The Fastest Way To End Your Problems, Frustrations And Patterns?
At the same time, I help you to release the emotions that have been entangled in that root.
In other words, I help you to dissolve the ultimate core of the issue both on your subconscious and emotional levels at the same time.
This means I help you make this problem GONE for good - so you finally stop experiencing it in your life.
This is how Spellbreaking ends your problems and sets you free to finally get what you want.
And With These Questions, I Help You Erase This Root From Your Mind Once And For All
Mitch Russo ended his lifelong anxiety about money.
Cynthia McIntosh has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and lived in crippling pain for years. Now she is pain-free and absolutely ecstatic because she can function normally again.
Susanne Amdouni was completely broke a year ago. Now she has more than enough money to support herself.
As Michael Bourne was getting close to his retirement - he was worried about running out of money. Then, he received an unexpected financial boost that allowed him to retire earlier - and without money worries.
Joanna Pawlowska let go of childhood trauma, forgave her parents, and started loving them on a whole new level she never thought was possible.
Asantra struggled with severe bloating, gas, and food intolerances for 20 years. Today, she can eat whatever she wants without digestive issues, she’s bursting with energy, and feels more like herself again.
Vee dissolved post-traumatic stress disorder in 2016, and never had another panic attack again.
Jack solved a life-long relationship issue… and as a ‘side-effect,’ he doubled his business a few weeks after that.
Lisa was on the edge of a divorce… today, her marriage is stronger than ever before.
Willie thought it was impossible for him to earn more money. Now he regularly grows his income.
Linda was terrified of public speaking. Now she hosts podcasts and interviews and has a few stage appearances under her belt.
And a famous TV host, Diane Forster, for decades felt stuck with major life issues despite all the methods she used to solve them… And now, she has finally moved past her issues, and gotten completely unstuck.
So Far, This Simple Yet Unique Process Has Helped Over 200,000 People From 84 Countries To Thrive In All Aspects Of Their Lives
You see, when I am doing a Spellbreak with someone, and there are others following along, they also get their own Spellbreaks - just by observing.
This means, when you watch me work with someone else, you're getting a Spellbreak, too!
And what makes it even more incredible, it doesn’t matter if you’re on a live session - or watching a replay.
It’s true. I noticed it 12 years ago, when I launched my first webinar.
A few days after that, I started getting messages from people who watched the replay and got their own breakthroughs.
I was stunned. And for a brief moment, I thought that maybe it was a weird coincidence.
But then, with every next webinar I hosted, I received more and more messages like that…
And it became clear to me that Spellbreaking works for everyone who watches it - no matter whom I work with!
You Get A Spellbreak Even If I Work With Someone Else
5 years ago, I did a Spellbreak for Justin Lachance… And the very same day, he found his first 3 clients, made several thousand dollars, and finally launched his business.
That’s an amazing result, but here’s where it goes from amazing to mind-blowing.
You see, Kate Postma was on this session and watched this very Spellbreak.
Prior to that, she had struggled with severe back pain for over two decades.
Yet after the session, she noticed her chronic pain had disappeared.
Surprised, excited, and a bit stunned, she went to sleep.
The next day, to her and her partner’s amazement, she woke up with no pain whatsoever…
And it never came back - which left her doctors dumbfounded.
But that’s not all.
Elke is a woman from Belgium who also watched the same Spellbreak.
23 years ago, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
As a result, she was gradually losing her mobility to the point, where even the shortest walk was a challenge for her.
The next morning after watching the Spellbreak, Elke woke up, and went on for an hour-long walk without any difficulties.
When she returned home, she was jumping with joy because it was clear that her issue had melted away!
Now, these results may challenge what you consider possible, yet Justin, Kate and Elke are among my most well-documented case studies.
They include personal videos, X-rays, and even official doctor statements that confirm what I just said.
And they’re a drop in the bucket of all the transformation stories I’ve received over the last 12 years…
And right now, you have the most exciting chance to become the next transformation story yourself…
By joining Inner Circle Spellbreaking.
Here’s A Truly Incredible Example That Shows You How This Works:
Well, you can ignore all the facts and evidence…
And say it's yet another gimmick that sounds good but won’t work.
You can ignore all the transformation stories you’ve seen on this page…
And you can ignore the gut feeling you might have right now, saying, “this makes sense"...
And that's completely fine.
It's just that sooner or later, I know for a fact that your problems will strike again…
And again, they'll force you back into this endless loop of frustration.
I know it because I have helped thousands of people who had previously chosen to suffer like that. In fact, for many years, I was one of them.
So, that's one thing you can do.
The other thing you can do is join Inner Circle Spellbreaking today, and every week, have me do multiple Spellbreaks for you…
And watch how everything changes…
Because this program will help you in three major ways:
- First, you’ll dissolve harmful beliefs, ideas and thoughts that have been endlessly repeating as "problems" in your life.
- Second, you’ll release the emotions that were keeping you in endless loops of sadness, anger and frustration.
- Third, you’ll flood your mind with new ideas of prosperity, clarity, peace, health, and love…
So that you are no longer going to be buying books and courses in hope they will finally solve your problems…
- It means you no longer have to wonder if you’ll ever be truly happy…
- It means that you will no longer be out of control in your life...
- It means you will actually DO IT this time!
Your battle with problems is over. Your new incredible life begins here and now.
So now the question is…
The Question Is: What You Can Do About This?
You see, my top clients pay $36,000 to work with me for 4 days in Hawaii.
I have dozens of courses ranging from $1,000 - $3,000.
And in Inner Circle Spellbreaking, I’m giving you everything…
I’m not holding anything back…
That’s why this program works.
And you’ve seen the transformation stories…
So there is no reason you couldn’t do it, too…
Because you’re going to get the same top-level help that my top clients paid big bucks for…
And you’re gonna get it for just $99 a month.
Yep, for just $99/month, you’ll get access to the most powerful Spellbreaking program I ever offered.
And, just so you know, this program has no weird obligations.
You can simply join it now and stay for as long as you want.
If you’re not happy or just want to stop, you can cancel at any time - with no hard feelings and no questions asked.
And if you love it - like most of my clients do, you can stay for as long as you want, constantly expanding into more and more of what you want.
So go ahead and click the button below to join it now…
Because we’re closing the enrollment in just a few days - and it might be months before we open it again.
Are You Ready To Be Free?
Where you can find all of my famous processes that help you dissolve different problems… by simply listening to them on your headphones.
To name a few, you’ll get access to…
- The Money Freedom Process 3.0 - that helps you transform your financial situation.
- The Pain Release Process - a powerful process that helps you to stop suffering from physical and mental pain (including chronic pain that drags on for years).
- The Relationship Release Process - that helps you let go of old relationships that keep you from experiencing love in your current relationships. This includes letting go of broken relationships with your parents, past partners… even helps you release grief after losing a loved one, and start a new chapter in your life.
Apart from these, you’ll get many other processes that help you become energized, motivated and happy… and ones that help you lose weight and banish stubborn health symptoms - and so much more!
That’s yours free for as long as you’re a member of Inner Circle Spellbreaking.
Again that’s just $99/month… and for that, you’ll get 4 live sessions per month…
Which means one session is just 25 bucks.
Free Bonus #1: The Cafeteria Of Audio Processes
Plus, when you join now, you’ll also get free access to two exciting bonuses…

It’s my newest “quick-start” course that helps you instantly absorb all the core ideas of my work…
And get the absolute most results from using all the tools, processes, and Spellbreaks.
It’s called 7-Day Fast Start - and it’s included in your membership for free.
Free Bonus #2: The 7-Day Fast Start
And for this tiny investment, there’s one more thing you’ll get - also for free.

From where I stand, I just gave you a way out.
The same way out I desperately needed when I was on the edge, about to end my life in 2011…
But then I discovered Spellbreaking, used it on myself… and never looked back ever since.
And just like thousands of other people have changed their lives with it…
You too can put yourself on a fast track to absolute freedom to be, have, and get what you want.
And it all starts with you joining Inner Circle Spellbreaking today.
To remind you, we will have our sessions every Tuesday at 12 noon Pacific / 3 PM Easter / 9 PM CET…
And don’t worry if you can’t join us live - because you’ll receive a replay and when you watch it and follow along - you’ll get your own breakthrough, just as I’ve shown you on this page.
It’s just $99/month and for that, every month, you get 4 weekly sessions…
And again - that’s just 25 bucks per session…
Which is a ridiculously small investment compared to the breakthroughs you can get.
And just to remind you - this program has no obligations and no weird rules.
You can quit whenever you want...
And you can stay in for as long as you want.
So go ahead and join Inner Circle Spellbreaking now because we’re closing the enrollment THIS SUNDAY at 11:59 PM - and I don’t know when we will open it again.
If you miss out - you’ll need to wait weeks, maybe even months, to get your next chance to join it…
So don’t let this slip through your fingers…
Click the button below and secure your spot in Inner Circle Spellbreaking right now:
Join Now Before I Close The Enrollment THIS MONDAY
Hurry, the enrollment closes in:
When are you hosting the sessions?
In Inner Circle Spellbreaking, we’ll meet every Tuesday at 12 noon Pacific / 3 PM Eastern / 9 PM CET.
Will there be replays?
Yes, you’ll receive a replay of every session right after we finish it. You’ll keep access to the replays for as long as you’re a member.
What if I don’t like this program?
If you’re not happy with Inner Circle Spellbreaking, you can quit at any time with no hidden fees, no “bad looks” and no questions asked.
What if I can’t be on a live session? Will I benefit if I only watch replays?
It’s totally OK if you can’t be on a live session for two main reasons:
First, you’ll get access to a private community where you can ask questions for me to address on a live call
Second, as I’ve shown you earlier on this page, even if you watch a replay of a session and follow along, you’ll get a Spellbreak too.
Frequently Asked Questions

Kate Postma watched this Spellbreak and got rid of her 20-year back pain.

An example of this is a Spellbreak I’ve done for Justin Lachance.

Elke did the same and become free from multiple sclerosis symptoms.

And Shira Addato got an unexpected financial boost - she earned over $6,000 in 3 days after the session.
And I really mean ALL aspects of their lives. Just have a look at the variety of outcomes:
This is what Spellbreaking does for people…
It instantly frees them from even the deepest issues that have been dragging on for decades.
And it can do the same for you.
It’s obviously pretty awesome, yet there is something else about Spellbreaking which multiplies its power and benefit.